√ in the forest of the night doctor who 255320-In the forest of the night doctor who
This was presumed by many to be the cause of her mental distress Maebh was able to psychically communicate with the trees after the Earth was turned into a forest She was also able to pick up thoughts from other sources, such as a desire to contact the Doctor from Clara Oswald With the help of the Twelfth Doctor, Maebh was able to warn the human race that the trees were Coming off the back of a run of Doctor Who episodes where new monsters, big jumps and horror undertones have been regular features, In The Forest Of The Night heads off in the other direction In The full impact behind this quote is on display in this episode of Doctor Who The Forest Of The Night the 8th episode of the 10th series is one of the (I'm sad to say) worst stories (even including the other 'child' episode Fear Her) Doctor Who In The Forest Of The Night Tv Episode 14 Imdb In the forest of the night doctor who